
The Walt Whitman High School Alumni Page

This is the "official" site for the alumni of Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland. If you've graduated from Whitman, this is the place to go to enter information about yourself, and to look for other alumni. If you add your information to the site, you'll be given the option to choose a password to log in. This will give you additional access, including more detailed searching abilities. This site is run by alum Justin Fidler (class of 1994) and is open to alumni from any graduation year. The site is free.

Latest News
Reunion Information (8/29/2014 12:04:59 PM)

Class of 1994
20th reunion on November 29, 2014 7:30pm at Positano in Bethesda. See Class of 1994 website for more information and to register.

Class of 1974
40th reunion on July 3, 2014 at Smoky Glen Farm. See Class of 1974 website for more information and to register.

Other Reunions
Do you have a reunion to announce? Please email and I'll post it up.

View Old News

There is currently information about 9151 people in the database.

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Please email any questions to Justin Fidler.